Updated: 11/14/2020

As we reopen our doors to welcome you back into our studio, Body Evolutions remains committed to your well-being and peace of mind. We have redoubled our efforts to keep our studio a safe and worry-free environment for everyone.

Some of the pro-active steps we have taken include, and are not limited to, our Safety Guidelines as listed below. To help prevent the spread of Covid-19, we ask that you review the guidelines as this will be our new normal for awhile. Please check back frequently for updates.


Our day to day cleaning duties are very thorough however during this time we are making extra efforts to keep the studio clean during the day.  In addition to our daily cleaning routine, we are increasing our diligence and frequency of sanitizing the studio.

  • We will sanitize all frequently touched surfaces and high traffic areas before and after each private session, including but not limited to door knobs, bathroom fixtures, light switches, sanitizing stations, restrooms, sinks, toilets, benches, front desk areas, keyboards, computers, phones, and all fitness equipment, mats, props, and any surfaces touched or used during classes and session. 

  • We will use antibacterial, antiviral hospital grade spray FDA approved for C-19 on all safe surfaces including all equipment and props between sessions.

  • We will lower the AC to 72* and we’ve purchased floor fans to move the air away from our students.

  • Have high quality air purifiers working at all times.

  • The iPad to sign in has been removed, Chris and Sonia will check you in for your sessions. You can also check-in via our studio app.

  • Touchless Transactions - We will no longer be accepting checks or taking credit cards in the studio. All transactions and scheduling will be touchless and be done online in our branded app or over the phone with credit card authorizations, or by directly logging in to MindBody from your device.



  • All clients will be asked to sign a new waiver and policies forms before arriving for your first class or session.  We will be emailing the documents for you to sign and return via email. Download Waiver here. Once you’ve signed the waiver please scan and return it via email to

  • Wear a clean, legitimate valveless mask that has NOT been exposed to other environments.

  • Please self screen before arriving (these are the same protocols for the staff)

  • Cough, GI upset or diarrhea, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit, known close contact with a person 


  • Because it is allergy season in California, you may have some of these symptoms and not be sick, since we cannot discern the difference,
    *We will ask anyone who exhibits any of the above symptoms to leave and resume class another day

  • If you feel any compromise in your health.

  • If you have been feeling unwell, or having any respiratory symptoms of any sort, to refrain from attending sessions in the studio until you are fully recovered.

  • If you have traveled in the last 2 weeks, refrain from taking sessions in the studio for at least 14 days.

  • If you have had a possible exposure to the COVID-19 virus, refrain from taking sessions in the studio for at least 14 days.

  • If you have been issued a Stay Home Notice/Quarantine/Leave of Absence order (or in close contact with individuals who have), refrain from attending sessions in the studio for at least 14 days.

  • If you plan on attending family/social gatherings indoors outside of your normal bubble, refrain from taking sessions in the studio for at least 14 days.


  • All clients should arrive on time, not early, and avoid any congregating in the studio after class. Please wait outside or in your car until your class time.

  • Please wait either in your car or outside the door (making sure to maintain six feet between you and anyone else) until we invite you into the studio. Once everything is ready, we’ll open the door to welcome you in.

  • We will be asking the following questions upon your arrival. If you answer yes to any of the questions we will not be able to work with you, and will instruct you to go home and contact your healthcare provider.

    • Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days;

    • Have you come into close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days

    • Do you feel or recently felt feverish

    • Do you or have you recently had any other COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, chills, headaches, muscle/body aches, confusion, or loss of taste/smell.

  • Please use the late cancellation notice mindfully and give us much notice as you can to allow us to prepare accordingly. Please use this option only in the case of a last-minute illness. 

  • All clients should enter the studio masked - wearing a clean, legitimate, valveless cloth face covering that has NOT been exposed to other environments (over the nose and mouth) when entering.

    • If you need a mask, please let Chris or Sonia know. The face covering must be worn at all times while in the studio.

  • Students should come prepared ready to work out. Per Santa Clara guidelines we can no longer offer communal spaces for changing, hanging clothes or other items.

  • Please remove your shoes and place only essential items in a cubby by the door. Please wash your hands immediately after removing your shoes and placing them and your other personal items in the cubby. We will sanitize the cubby immediately after you leave.

  • What to bring—and what to leave home:

    • BYOB. Bring your own filled water bottle from home to avoid using the water dispenser where possible. Cups will not be available at this time.  

    • Please bring a clean, legitimate face mask.

    • Please leave home anything that’s not strictly necessary. Also, we don’t have the space for visitors, so please don’t bring extra people with you


  • Avoid touching your face or mask, particularly your eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Socks - Please bring a fresh, clean pair of socks.

  • Avoid placing personal items anywhere other then the cubby you will be using for your essential items.

  • Social Distancing - Practice social distancing in studio, near bathrooms, in parking lot when coming and going

  • 45 minute sessions. Per Santa Clara guidelines we must allow 15 minutes between sessions to to allow for full sanitization and to prevent crowding from participants entering/exiting the area. All in-person lessons are now 45 minutes.

  • Please use the hand sanitizers around the studio. There will be several sanitizing stations around the studio for your convenience.

  • Hand washing. We ask that you please wash your hands with soap and water before and after your session. It is recommended to wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds upon your arrival and again prior to exiting the studio.

  • Individuals aged 65 or older are at a higher risk of COVID-19. To the extent possible, avoid contact within 6 feet with individuals aged 65 and older. Individuals aged 65 and older should stay at home as much as possible. Please bring your own water from home when possible 

  • Should you choose to wear gloves. At Body Evolutions, you will be confined to the use of equipment only by you for any given session or class.  Any prop you use will be only touched by you for the duration of your visit.  As such, we are allowing gloves to be discretionary.  For all those who choose to wear gloves, we will need to modify certain exercises to ensure your safety. We ask that you always comply with these modifications fully for your own safety.  


  • We will reopening with limited capacity and a reduced schedule.

  • Our livestream class members will soon be able to enjoy our livestream library which provides the opportunity to view past classes on-demand.  

  • 20 session packages are no longer available.

  • Per Santa Clara Guidelines sessions are now 45 minutes to allow 15 minutes between sessions for coming and going while practicing social distancing as well as ample time for our staff to clean between classes.

  • Due to these uncertain times we have decided to cancel all reformer classes for the time being. We look forward to starting in-studio classes again when it is safe to do so.


  • Per Santa Clara guidelines, our staff will be required to wear masks.

  • We will not be providing tactile feedback at this time, unless needed in the when absolutely necessary for safety purposes, such as to prevent a a client from falling and injuring themselves.

  • We will stay home if we are sick (see the client guidelines for what that means), and if we have been in contact with anyone who tested positive. We will only resume working in the studio when it is safe to do so. During the stay at home period we will revert to Livestream sessions.

  • We will all wash our hands thoroughly upon arrival and between sessions and classes. 

  • We will be getting tested at least once a month to insure we are Covid-19 negative.

  • We will social distance teach.

Please download the following documents. The waiver must be signed, scanned and returned via email to